

All students at the 北科罗拉多大学 are bound by the 学生行为准则(BEAR准则). BEAR准则用于概述学生的权利和责任以及行为 预期. If a potential violation of BEAR守则 is brought to our attention, you may be asked to meet with a 听力 officer to address the situation.

  • 从行为过程中期待什么
    1. 社区标准和冲突解决收到一份报告,并指定听证会 负责案件的官员. Community Standards 和解决冲突 may receive information from several 来源包括地方和大学执法机构、博天堂官方社区成员、 other universities and colleges, and additional individuals or agencies. 办公室 查看此信息并确定所报告的行为是否可能违反 BEAR守则.
    2. 听证官审阅报告,生成听证通知并通过电子邮件发送给学生. 所有听证会通知都被发送到学生的官方北科罗拉多大学 电子邮件(邮件)帐户. The 听力 notice outlines what provision of the BEAR 涉嫌违反的学生守则,他们预定的会面时间和 location, and their rights and responsibilities in the 听力.
    3. The 听力 is a time for the student to respond to the alleged violations of the 熊的代码. The student has the right to have an advisor 现在 at the 听力.
    4. Additional investigation and follow-up may occur if necessary. 这可能包括联系证人、警察、企业主和其他人 who may have information on the incident.
    5. The student is found responsible or not responsible for violating BEAR守则. 一封概述听证官决定的信件将通过电子邮件发送到学生的邮箱 账户.
    6. 如果学生被发现违反了BEAR准则,结果(制裁, educational conditions, and restrictions) may be assigned. 结果可能包括但不限于酒精和/或药物教育课程; 参与/出席UNC活动、社区服务和研究/反思论文; probation, suspension, and in extreme cases, expulsion.
    7. 学生 may have an opportunity to appeal the decision/outcomes. The appeal must be submitted by the deadline specified in the decision letter and must comply with the other requirements of BEAR守则.
    8. 学生完成成果. 完成结果并提供完成证明是学生的责任 to our office by the due date in the decision letter.
    9. Conduct records will be retained and may be reviewed. 除了联邦政府要求学校上报的情况 要求及涉及留校察看、停学或开除的案件,将予以记录 留校至学生毕业或永久休学为止. 根据要求,每个学生都可以查看他/她行为的所有非机密内容 file, to the extent permitted by law and University policy.
  • 父母通知

    The University reserves the right to notify the parents/support people of alcohol and 违反毒品 for students under the legal age of 21. 通知父母 may also be utilized discretionarily by administrators when permitted by FERPA or 征得学生的同意.

    通知信将通知家长和支持他们的学生 was involved in an alcohol or drug incident.写这封信的目的是为了引起对方的共鸣 公开对话. 

  • 记录

    你的学生记录受《博天堂官方》保护 (FERPA). FERPA does not allow us to share information regarding your disciplinary record unless you provide written consent to do so. 很少有例外 规则,如是否有迫在眉睫的威胁或危险存在或合法的“教育 “需要知道”,博天堂官方网站你的文件.

    有关FERPA和您的权利的更多信息,请访问UNC注册官的FERPA 页面.

  • 背景审查

    如果你申请出国留学,读研,转到另一所大学 或大学,或某些工作,你可能会被要求同意背景调查. 为了让社区标准和冲突解决来检查你的记录 另一个部门或机构,你需要与该部门或签署一份弃权书 机构. No one may have access to your disciplinary record without your written consent 除非有直接的威胁或危险或合法的“教育需要知道” 现在.

  • 常见问题

    我刚收到通知,我必须参加一个社区标准会议 和解决冲突. 我该期待什么呢??
    You will have the opportunity to meet with a Hearing Officer at the date and time 在你的会议通知信上. In that meeting, you will have the opportunity to discuss 指称的违规行为.

    What happens if I don’t show up for my meeting?
    参加你的听证会是你分享你的经验和观点的机会 博天堂官方网站事件. If you choose not to attend, a decision may be made in your absence based on the information available to us.

    I received a citation off campus and am going through a legal process in court. 为什么 学校需要参与吗?
    通过选择成为大学社区的一员,您同意维护代码 校内外的行为准则. The court process and the student conduct process are 彼此独立的. The court process determines what criminal statutes were 违反以及任何处罚. The student conduct process addresses university 《博天堂官方网站》中对学生的行为期望 (熊代码).

    大学保留通知受抚养学生家长/监护人的权利 对于任何行为情况,并定期就酒精和其他问题进行沟通 违反毒品. The University may also notify parents/guardians of non-dependent students who are under the age of 21 of alcohol and/or other 违反毒品. 父母的 在允许的情况下,管理员也可以酌情使用通知 由FERPA或经学生同意.

    作为北科罗拉多大学社区负责任的一员,你是 expected to familiarize yourself with BEAR守则. 我们不承认缺乏知识 作为违反政策的借口. Reasonable and appropriate behavior will generally help you to avoid violating University policies.

    大多数被发现违反行为准则的学生不会被停学; 然而,停课最有可能是由于行为严重,反复出现, and/or threatening to the safety of our 社区.

    What are the potential consequences for my incident?
    如果您被发现违反了BEAR准则,您将被要求填写 一系列的教育制裁. These sanctions are designed to help you succeed 在未来,给你空间和时间去反思你的决定,去联系 你用适当的资源,去学习新的东西,并保护大学 社区.

    What happens if I don’t complete my outcomes?
    If you choose not to complete your outcomes, a hold may be placed on your 账户 preventing you from registering and/or accessing your transcript. 另外,你 谁应该为不遵守大学官员的指示负责. If you have questions regarding your sanctions, contact our office.

    Some violations may appear on your academic transcript. 你可能会被要求披露 作为研究生课程申请的一部分,成绩单上没有的纪律项目 和/或就业. In some instances, a notation may be placed on your transcript, including the effective date of your conduct resolution.

    法律要求大学保留纪律记录至少7年 years, and indefinitely in the case of expulsion.

    Will this experience impact my admission into a graduate program?
    这取决于你所在的特定项目或机构的政策 应用. Often colleges and universities will request written consent to receive discipline records; however, our office may, in accordance with FERPA, provide discipline 没有书面同意的记录,学生寻求或打算注册的机构.

    Can my parent/guardian/attorney come with me to my 学生的行为 Hearing?
    You are allowed to bring one advisor to your 听力. 你的导师可能是一位家长, friend, counselor, professor, attorney, or another trusted party. 政府的角色 顾问是非常具体的. The advisor is limited to counseling the student and may 不作为学生的代表,不代表学生发言,不参与 直接在任何听证会上. 顾问 may not serve in a dual role as a witness in the 听力. University Hearing Officers may also consult with or choose to have University Counsel, in an advisory capacity, 现在 at a 听力. 如果一个顾问变得有破坏性 to the process, they may be dismissed from the 听力.

    根据FERPA(家庭教育权利和隐私法案),只有你可以访问 你的行为记录,除非有直接的威胁或危险或者有 合法的“教育需要知道”. You may sign a Release of Information to allow someone else to inquire about and review 你的记录.

    I want to appeal my decision, how do I do this?
    上诉必须通过包含你的决议的上诉声明表以书面形式提交 在通知会议结果后的五(5)个工作日内函件; 除非有紧急情况. For more information about the appeal process, including the criteria for appeal please see the appeal section of BEAR守则.

    I want to review my conduct record, how do I do that?
    You may request to review 你的记录 by submitting an online 记录请求. After we have received your request, by law we have 45 days to allow you to view 你的记录. 记录 will be reviewed in the presence of a staff member. 你可以带上 顾问查看您的记录. You may not make copies or take photographs of your 录音,但你可以做笔记.

    如有任何疑问,请致电970-351-2001或电邮至 电邮地址:dos@w3ealthcreator.com.

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